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Eren Ft. Romi - Pelengkap Hidupku

Thursday, December 16, 2010

taggg (:

tqa di tag oleh bff tqa, alyn......

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to write a note with TRUTH about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tagged means " I'm interested in knowing what your 100 truth are . "

1. Real name :
2. Nickname :
 tiqa, farhana, tqa
3. Zodiac sign:
4. Male or female :
5. Elementary school :
 Sek Keb Taming Jaya ( SKTJ )
6. Highschool : Sek Men Keb Cheras Jaya ( SMKCJ )
7. College : Kolej Profesional Mara Beranang ( KPMB )
8. Hair colour : Black
9. Tall or short :
 Short (:
10. Sweat or jeans :
11. Phone or Camera : Phone
12. Health freak :
13. Orange or apple : Apple
14. Do you have a crush on someone? :
 hurrrmmmmm.. u think??
15. Eat or drink : Eat (:
16. Piercings :
17. Pepsi or coke : Pepsi

1. Been in an airplane :
2. Been in relationship :
3. Been in a car accident :
4. Been a fist fight : No

1. First household chores :
 umm........ Nta laa.....
2. First best friend :
 Arifah (:
3. First award :
4. First crush : ..............
5. First word : ibuuuu............ (pelat2 ckt........ J )
6. First section :
7. Last person you talked to in person : mira ( adik ku )
8. Last person you texted :
 Si Panjang (:
9. Last person you watched a movie with :
 Cik Is n Wife
10. Last food you ate :
 ayammm masak lemak cili padi
11. Last movie you watched : Rapunzel (:
12. Last song you listen to :
 Dia Milikku By Yovie and Nuno
13. Last thing you bought :
 Chocolate (:
14. Last person you hugged : Ibu

1. Food :
asalkan ibu masak......... Weee~ I likee.....
2. Drink : Teh O panas n Tropicana Twister ( orange )
3. Bottoms :
5. Animal : Cat n hamster
4. Flower : Rose
6. Colour :
 Biru ngan putih
7. Movie :
8. Subject :
 mathematics n accounting (:

(Put an X in the bracket if yes)
1. [
x] falling in love with someone.
2. [] celebrate Halloween
3. [
x] had your heart broken
4. [] went over the minutes/ texts on your cellphone
5. [] had someone question my sexual orientation
6. [] got pregnant
7. [] had an abortion
8. [
x] did something i regret
9. [
x] broke a promise
10. [
x] hide a secret
11. [
x] pretend to be happy
12. [] met someone who changed your life
13. [] pretend to be sick
14. [] left the country
15. [] try something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
16. [] cried over the silliest thing
17. [] ran a mile
18. [] when to the beach with your bestfriend
19. [] got into an argument with your friend
20. [
x] hated someone
21. [] stayed single for a whole year

1. Eating :
2. Drinking : Air sejuk
3. Listening to :
Leaving on a Jet Plane

4. Sitiing or laying : Sitiing
5. Plan for today : ta de plan pon....
6. Waiting :
 tengah tungu result kua neyy......

1. Want kids :
 wee~~ mesti mau lah........ (:
2. Want to get married :
 hehee......... InsyaAllah lau ada jodoh n dipanjangkan umur.
3. Career : Lecture (:

1. Lips or eyes :
2. Shorter or taller :
3. Romantic or spontaneous :
4. Nice stomach or nice arms : Nice stomach
5. Hook -up or relationship : Relationship
6. Looks or personality : Personality

1. Lost glasses/contacts :
2. Snuck out of a house :
3. Held a gun/knife for self defense : No
4. Killed somebody :
5. Broken somebody heart :
6. Been in love : ..........
7. Cried when someoned died :

1. Yourself :
 not really
2. Miracles :
 Yes ( dengan kuasa Yang Maha Esa dan dengan izinNya )
3. Love at first sight :
4. Heaven : Yes
5. Santa claus :
6. Superstition : No
7. Kiss on the first date : No

1. Is there one person you want to be with right now ?
2. Do you know who your real friends are ?
3. Do you believe in God ? Yes
4. Post as 100 truths ? Almost I think.
5. Tag 25 people that you believe :
 Tak sampi 25 orang lah.

thanx to alyn sbb tag tqa...... huhuuuu.... pning paleee..... (:alyn


Anonymous said...

hahaha :D
mmg ponn!!!

atiqah said...

apew yg memang????

saya said...

saye ainaa . .

atiqah said...

lubbb u lahh.....
sampai jugak kamu kat sini....